Sleep is relief from misery to those

who are miserable when awake” – Miguel de Cervantes.

Director, producer & scriptwriter: David Blanco

Genre: Fantasy / Road Movie

Running Time: 100’

Countries: Israel & Spain

Looking for: Partners & Financing


In a land on the brink of civil war, two Arab-Jewish brothers start a hitchhiking trip to visit their sick grandfather, a writer of fantasy tales who has lost his memory, but they can’t reach their destination, trapped in a ride day which repeats itself over and over again.

CIRCULAR PATHS is drama, fantasy and a political film, explores the self-destructive vital repetition to which the human being seems predestined. The film project was selected at the II SGAE-Sundance Institute Script Laboratory 2002, received advice from the screenwriter Fernando Castets, the director Stephen Gyllenhaal and the journalist Zachary Sklar, among others.